
👩‍💻 Created By: Michelle Hsu, Founder of *KJMH Digital*

📚 B2B SaaS Marketing Resource Library

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<aside> 📌 **Webinars are a great way to educate your target market, build credibility/brand authority, and build relationships with prospects. But it's also a lot of work since there are a number of moving pieces. Let's make your life easier!

Below you'll find the framework on how to set up, execute, and measure your webinars. I've kept it general enough so you can customize it for your specific needs as no B2B SaaS company is exactly the same.

No fluff. All actionable tips you can apply right away. With that said, let's jump right in. ⬇️**


Set-Up 🏗️

Potential Webinar Topics can Come From

Potential Webinar Formats

Speaker Invitations/Pitches

Cold Outreach 🧊

Warm Outreach ️‍🔥

Speaker Tracker Template

Webinar Talk Track Flow 💬

Webinar Landing Page Checklist 📋




For visual inspirations, can consider: Qualtrics, Slack, Outreach, Demio, Livestorm

Execute 🖥️

Webinar 🎙️

Dry Run

Day of


<aside> ❓ Let me know on Twitter or LinkedIn if it'd be useful to include the following on this Webinar Foundation webpage. Love to hear from you!


Promotions 📣

Social - LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Online Communities

Emails (for visual inspirations: check out here )

Website - If have a resource section on Homepage, include your upcoming webinar on there. Alternatively, have a horizontal banner near the top of the webpage that links to your webinar's landing page. If really want to use pop-ups (whether it's on-page or exit ones), use them sparingly. Good rule of thumb is to think about how your prospects would feel about pop-ups in general.

Speakers - Either draft templated promotional copy for your speakers to share or have them personally share about the webinar within their social networks.

Potential Gift for Speakers 🎁

Metrics 📈

What's Next? ➡️